Lovely Library

Hello beautiful

This week is a bonus week - who knew there were five weeks in November.

I hope that life has been kind. And that you are being kind to you.

In this bonus episode, all I wanted to share was that we have put all the Codex issues into a library for you! So this way, if you want to refer back, or need a boost - you can simply go there and check them out.

Here are the details of how to access the library :

Much love & sparkles


Here's our latest offerings ... simply hit reply or the link to join.THIS WEEKEND, IT'S NOT TOO LATE - Summer Solstice Super Circle & Celebration Party

Saturday 21st December - Kurunjang - 2pm

THREE LITTLE WORDS - this is my annual masterclass to reflect, review on what has been and prepare for the year ahead - it is a fun class and free to join. - Friday 27th December at 3pm - there will be a recording and also an encore early January. FREE GIFT to everyone who joins. Click here to register

Reclaim Your Sparkle Retreat - 23-25 May 2025, Lower Plenty VIC

more info here

Why not book a free 45 min coaching call to explore the possibilities of what is next for you, what you truly want and need, and learn about what it might look like for you. Book Here

Join our Free Facebook Community -Gratitude.Attitude.Joyous.Abundance.With.Jai

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