Hello beautiful
I can't believe we are into the second month of the Codex - tell me, I'd love to know what you loved, what you learnt and what I need to know to make it the favourite thing in your inbox! Thank you for your honesty, love and support. It means the world. So hit return, and share your thoughts.
This month we are all about Embracing Change & Transformation - after all, what is Alchemy if not transforming something into something even more fabulous, precious and full of love.
Transformation & Change are something that drives me forward. It is my mission. Simple as that. I was put here on Earth to help women transform into self-accepting beings of pure Fabulosity - whatever that looks like for them, after all we are unique, though similar in many ways. You can see that I LOVE WHAT I GET TO DO each day. So much love and so much joy.
Anyway, I'm rambling, let's dive in - this week we speak about Letting Go of Control. Keep reading, I know you want to 😉
Much love & sparkles
"Surrender to what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be."
—Sonia Ricotti
"The greatest act of strength is to let go of what we cannot change and trust that what’s meant for us will always find its way."
"The greatest act of strength is to let go of what we cannot change and trust that what’s meant for us will always find its way."
"You must learn to let go. Release the stress. You were never in control anyway."
—Steve Maraboli
Letting go simply makes space for what will be, and it is usually something better.
Love Jai
We all know what it feels like to hold on tight, trying to control every detail, only to realize it’s exhausting and draining. One of my clients, Sarah, found herself in exactly that place— feeling stuck in resistance—we worked together and she discovered how to flip it into flow.
Feel the Feels & Ask yourself "why do I feel this way?"
Sarah was managing a busy growing business while juggling family life and personal health goals. Her days were filled with stress as she tried to control every outcome, whether it was ensuring her projects were perfect or keeping everything at home running smoothly.
She felt she had to be in charge of every detail, thinking, “If I don’t do it, nothing will get done right, or won't get done at all.” (Sound familiar?)
We paused to reflect, she realized the constant pressure to manage everything was making her feel overwhelmed, disconnected, and drained. Her fear was that without her constant oversight, things would fall apart.
Reflect & Reframe It
As Sarah began to reflect on how this need for control was impacting her well-being, she started exploring other possibilities. We asked
“What if I trusted others more? What if I learned to delegate and release the grip a little?”
Through this process, she realized that not only could she trust the people around her—like her team at work and her family at home—but that by doing so, she was freeing up time and energy for herself.
She practiced delegating tasks and began to manage her time in a way that felt more aligned with her goals. By letting go of control, she created space for herself to focus on higher-level tasks, while still maintaining a sense of balance in her personal life. In her own words,
“I’m learning that I don’t have to do it all—I just have to trust the process and the people around me.”
Speak the new narrative into being
Sarah shifted her narrative from “I have to manage everything myself” to“I trust myself, my team, and the process.”She now says things like,“I delegate with ease and trust the flow of life.”Not only did she notice how much more manageable her time became, but she also experienced a sense of calm and flow, allowing her to focus on what truly mattered in both her business and personal life.
When we try to control every detail, we often end up feeling overwhelmed. By learning to trust more, delegate wisely, and manage your time with intention, you can let go of resistance and move into flow. Remember the affirmation, “I trust the process, and I allow life to unfold with ease.”
When we’re holding onto control, it can feel like we’re carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders. But there’s immense power in letting go—surrendering to the flow of life. Let’s meditate together in this Surrender Meditation and I will guide you to release that tight grip and welcome a sense of trust and ease.
Sneak peak of my new meditation before it is uploaded to Insight Timer 🩷
You can find it here
Enjoy, and if you like it, please let me know xx
Take a moment to think about the areas of your life ... where are you holding on too tightly? where could you release control?
Commit this week to practicing letting go of the control ...
Perhaps a post it note with a reminder affirmation will do the trick; or a little reminder alarm in your phone.
You can do it ... we need to practice letting go. You can do it.
Here's our latest offerings ... simply hit reply or the link to join.
SAVE THE DATE - Summer Solstice Super Circle & Celebration Party
Saturday 21st December - Kurunjang - 2pm
Reclaim Your Sparkle Retreat - 23-25 May 2025, Lower Plenty VIC
I got a new deck!
Usually I am an oracle card gal, but have been playing with Tarot of late.
D has to work on Melb Cup Day, so I thought I’d amuse myself by offering readings using this new deck.
What will be included is a voice message reading, a photo of the cards and anything else that came up for me. Just $33 paid into my payID account.
If you’re interested, please HIT REPLY to let me know and I’ll come back to you asap!
Much love
Why not book a free 45 min coaching call to explore the possibilities of what is next for you, what you truly want and need, and learn about what it might look like for you. Book Here
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