Embodying Gratitude & Joy

Hello beautiful !

You are AMAZING!!! I just wanted you to know that ... hey, did you feel it? Amazing, amazing, amazing!

Now that said, I can move on.

Thank you again for playing along, please keep the feedback, thoughts & feelings coming - I love, love, love to read them.

This week's focus is Spreading Kindness - kindness is a superpower that is often overlooked. It is the beautiful quality of being friendly, caring, helpful, generous and considerate of both yourself and others. It works best when it is coming from a place of love, but being kind even when you are not in the mood, can actually lift your spirits too.

Try it. Can't wait to hear your feedback.

Much love & sparkles


"Be a little kinder than you have to"

Kindness is doing what you can, where you are, with what you have. Raktivist

Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a battle you can't see, know nothing about, and may not have anything to do with you.

You can change a moment, a day, a life by being kind. Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. Mother Teresa

Kindness turns Isolation to Connection

Sometimes, we all feel a bit isolated—even in a busy world. Here's how I used the Fabulosity Flip

to turn that feeling into connection:

Step 1: Feel the Feels & Ask, "Why do I feel this way?"

One afternoon, after days of working from home focused, I started feeling out of sorts. I asked myself,

"Why do I feel this way, so isolated?"

I realised that I hadn’t spoken to anyone outside of work in days. It wasn’t just about being alone; it was the lack of real, heartfelt interaction that was causing the isolation.

Step 2: Reflect & Reframe It

Instead of staying stuck in the feeling of loneliness, I reflected on it and reframed it: “This is a chance to reconnect. I have people I can reach out to!”

I reminded myself that connection is just one action away.

Step 3: Speak the New Narrative into Being

So, I sent a quick message to a friend:

“Hey, I’ve been thinking about you! How are you?”

That simple act sparked a conversation, and before I knew it, we were chatting and catching up. In that moment, I flipped my isolation into connection. It reminded me that kindness—even in the form of a short text—can completely shift our experience of the day, and move our mood for the better.

See how the Fabulosity Flip is simple, and easy to use - have you tried it? I'd love to know how you think - yes is it easy (of course, we don't always need to do hard things) but kindness connects.

Acts of Kindness

In our busy worlds, we can go through with blinkers, doing the do ... or we can look for opportunities for connection, opportunities to spread kindness and love to others.

These opportunities don't need to be huge and far reaching, they can be tiny as well. As above with the text, or a simple hello, genuine compliment or heartfelt gratitude to a perfect stranger all show up as opportunities to be kind.

Makes me smile thinking of you spreading kindness - that is the ripple effect this world needs. Big loves.

Random Act of Kindness

Let's go one step further - perform one random act of kindness this week!

For no other reason than you could.Perhaps you pay for a coffee for the person behind you in line, perhaps you pick up some litter in the park where you walk each day, send a note to your grandparent or flowers to a friend.

Perhaps take a friend's dog for a walk, or offer to babysit for a friend.

Whatever it is, doesn't have to be huge - but please share if you do.

Bet it makes you feel better than them! Which is the delicious side effect.

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