Anyone who knows me, knows I thrive on gratitude. It has enhanced my life dramatically and so I encourage everyone to embrace it too.
I have my own take on how it should be done, and I believe it elevates our lives for the better through the process.
So I could think of nothing more juicy to start with than Gratitude & Joy
- but more importantly, I have discovered that many women have lost connection to their body and its innate wisdom, so we will discuss moving from Gratitude & Joy as a thought, and truly, deeply become an
of it.
How glorious is that?! A whole month of gratitude & joy
So let's dive right in, I hope you enjoy our codex (which is likely to evolve as we do .. but that's alchemy right?!)
The best to access joy, is to give it to others."Misery might love company but so does joy. And joy throws much better parties." Billy IveyJoy is not in things; it is in us.
Enquiry: What does JOY mean for you? where can you add more joy into your life?
What we focus on grows, you know it yourself - you focus on bills coming in, then sure enough more bills pile in. Focus on love and laughter (and of course gratitude) and there is more to be grateful about.
Let's take a look at this example to see the Fabulosity Flip in action.
Situation: "Big Bill" arrives in your inbox/letterbox - lack mentality would be there is never enough, always too many bills, how am I going to pay this...blah, blah, blah insert whatever goes through your mind.
Steps: Let's see an example of our steps in action (hypothetically of course) ...
Feel the Feels & Ask yourself "why do I feel this way?"
I feel shit - I've got no money. I never got that payrise, actually I was too scared for asking - I am shit. How will I pay this? When will I ever get back on top. I feel hopeless, negative. Grrr those electricity companies are making a fortune and little old me takes the brunt of it. Aaaaah .. how where is the chocolate.
I'd doing that thing again, what did I have to FabFlip it?
Reflect & Reframe It
How can I reframe this? Gratitude, right. Okay, thank you to the electricity company for supplying me with power, so I can cook for my family, shower in the morning and watch my fave netflix series. Oooh I'm getting the hang of this. Paying my way is part of life, it keeps the economy moving, and I'm part of that. Cool. And I do have the money, sure I'd like to spend on something I want - but electricity keeps my family safe and moving forward. Hmm, I am actually grateful. Yaaay.
Speak the new narrative into being
Grab a pen and write on the bill - THANK YOU FOR THE SERVICE. I AM GRATEFUL FOR THE ELECTRICITY. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR THE MONEY TO PAY THIS IN FULL & ON TIME. Then pay the bill if you can and file away with a great big smile. Schedule it if not. Do not put it on the fridge as a constant reminder, if the money is being used for something else, schedule it and remind yourself to check that you can pay before the due date.
Ta DA - what do you think? Can you see how this could revolutionise your mindset?
P.S If you want to watch the video I recorded on the Fabulosity Flip, you can watch this old video I created a while back here :
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